One Stop Shop

Would you like to take care of practical matters before classes start? Such as registering at the City Hall? Then you are in luck! Every year, One Stop Shops are organised where you will be able to take care of this. 

You can check this website for more information about your arrival in Rotterdam!

About the event

The following parties will be present during this One Stop Shop:


– Rotterdam Municipality: to get your BSN number;

– Aon Insurance: to arrange your health insurance;

– ESN: to create that home away from home and know more about ESN events and purchase an ESN card 

– ISIC: to arrange a public transport card;

– LTC (Language & Training Centre: to potentially sign up for Dutch classes;

– The central International Office: for all other questions!


  • Tuesday 27 August
  • Wednesday 28 August
  • Wednesday 4 September
  • Thursday 5 September
  • Monday 9 September
  • Tuesday 10 September


Are you moving to the Netherlands for the first time? Are you staying in the Netherlands for more than 4 months? And you haven’t registered in the Netherlands before, so you don’t have a citizen service number (BSN) yet? Then, you need to register in person at the municipality where you will live. This is referred to as “First registration”.


If you have any questions about the One Stop Shop, you can check this website: