Become an EUR Buddy!

The buddy program is officially open again for the 1st semester of the year 2024-2025! If you are interested in helping new incoming exchange students find their way around the city, feel free to apply now through the form below! You will then be contacted in August and be linked with students to help!

In case you have questions, please read this information.


Become an EUR Buddy for the 1st semester!

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
    This is not a requirement, and is used to be able to people requesting a buddy of a certain gender can get this. If you wish not to fill in your gender this will not affect your application to the buddy programme.
    This is not a requirement, and is used to be able to make sure people requesting a Dutch speaking buddy can get one. If you wish not to fill in this question, this will not affect your application to the buddy programme.
  • Please include information about your personal interests and hobbies
  • By clicking ‘Send Form’ you agree to the General Terms & Conditions