Social Impact
An international experience should be about more than just seeing the inside of the lecture halls. Do you like volunteering? Or have you heard of it before and always wanted to get involved? Great, you’re in the right place! Social Impact is an international cause of ESN that promotes a social attitude among students through fun activities throughout the year. It’s an unique opportunity for International students to bond with other international students, Dutch students and also the Dutch society.
Blind SpeedFriending
Speed friending but with a twist - do so while blindfolded! To raise awareness about difficulties with blindness, regularly we gather to speed friend with our eyes covered.
Amin Noori
“My most memorable party? The last ESN party for our board members. It was full as usual and the ESN logo just kept flashing before our eyes. The whole board sat together and, we were just thinking about what we have accomplished, what we have gone through, our ups and downs. It was truly an emotional moment, and it was really hard for us to hide the tears. That moment was really sad for me, but happy at the same time.”

Amin Noori
2nd year IBEB student and Vice-president/ Secretary of the 8th ESN Rotterdam Board