Walking with the elderly!

ESN-Rotterdam’s monthly Walk with the Elderly event will be held every second Tuesday of the month! It’s a fun and low-key way of getting involved with the community without taking too much of your time. If you are a student and you have a few hours you can spare, why not join them?

As usual, we are looking for a group of about 15 International and Dutch students who don’t mind going for a walk outdoors and having a nice chat with the elderly. Afterwards, there will even be some refreshments!
Interested, click on the link below.

Location: Nursing home – Verpleeghuis Pniël, Oudedijk 15, Rotterdam.

To attend you will need to show a QR-code on the CoronaCheck app. Also, please bring a face mask for face-to-face contact with the elderly within 1.5 meters.
Note: Most of the elderly do not speak English (or only a couple of words), but they highly appreciate you being there! Communication is possible in many other ways and we will make sure there are some Dutch native speakers as well to help you out when necessary. Apart from that, the nursing home coordinators very much appreciate your help. Without it, they wouldn’t be able to do these kinds of activities. Sign up and see for yourself how easy it is to give back to society and have a fun experience at the same time!